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Materials Engineering: Health Technology Materials

The Master’s Degree Programme in Materials Engineering: Health Technology Materials at the University of Turku trains professionals in materials engineering with a particular focus on developing biomaterials to the needs of health technology applications.


Quick Facts

Full-time Duration: 2 years
Starting in: late August
Tuition Fee: Free for citizens of EU/EEA countries or Switzerland, for citizens of non-EU/EEA countries €12,000/academic year
Location: Turku, Finland

What are biomaterials? How do the requirements of biomaterials in health technology change when used in various diagnostic, medical, or dental application? How do medical instruments work, and how biosignals are processed in the applications?

All of these questions are at the centre of the development of new biomaterials and health technology applications. Development of biomaterials and health technologies are core fields at the University of Turku and Turku health research cluster.

In the Master’s Degree Programme in Materials Engineering: Health Technology Materials specialisation track, you will grow to be an expert in the field of biomaterials and learn to navigate the vast field of health technology and its applications.

Programme Structure:

The Master’s Degree Programme in Materials Engineering: Health Technology Materials is a two-year programme of 120 ECTS credits. The structure includes:

  • Joint materials engineering studies, 20 ECTS
  • Health technology materials studies, 20 ECTS
  • Thesis and project, 40 ECTS
  • Minor or Thematic Studies, 20-25 ECTS
  • Other studies, 15-20 ECTS

In the master’s thesis, you will have to prove your ability to do scientific work and master relevant research methods. You will also prove your knowledge of the research field and skills in scientific writing.

The purpose of a Master’s thesis in Technology is to produce a constructive solution proposal for a research challenge of e.g. a company, organisation or research group.

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“I studied Biomedical Engineering at Korea University in Seoul, South Korea. Here is where I realised that Biomaterials and Biocompatibility were super interesting for me, and I wanted to find a programme that included all the courses that went more in depth these topics. That’s pretty much the main reason I chose UTU, the study guide seemed tailored to my interests and now I know how to make the best out of it.”

Edna De Jesus Cabrera – Master’s student in Materials Engineering: Health Technology Materials


Career Prospects

The health sector is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. Materials in health technologies cover a wide range of applications, including measuring, diagnostic and therapeutic devices. Applications vary from different laboratory equipment and point-of-care tools to wearable sensors and long-term implantable devices. Developing new materials and solutions in these areas contributes to personal health care technologies and preventive care and rehabilitation.

You will be equipped with skills that provide you with multiple career options. You will be able to join the industry in Finland or abroad or enter the public sector, for example, in various authoritative duties. Possible job titles are:

  • validation and verification engineer,
  • technology manager,
  • regulatory affairs manager,
  • development manager,
  • researcher.

Career in Research

The Master of Science degree completed in this programme will also qualify you for PhD studies in Turku, elsewhere in Finland or universities worldwide.

You will be eligible to apply for a position at the University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS). The Graduate School consists of doctoral programmes that cover all disciplines and doctoral candidates of the university.

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